Design Obsessed Traveller!

Monday 13 February 2012
I am obsessed with all things Italy at the moment as I am planning my trip for April/May this year.  We are stuck with the wonderful dilemma of where to spend our last three nights.  I am leaning towards Capri and hubby is leaning towards extra time in Rome.  I have attached some pics of the most gorgeous hotel ever (in my humble opinion) - J K Place Capri...

This amazing hotel was first brought to my attention some years ago by the gorgeous Michelle Adams of Ruby Green and Lonny Magazine fame.  Set in the most picturesque place - the Isle of Capri...

Could anything be more gorgeous!!!  Unfortunately this stunning place will be out of our price range even if we stay in Capri as we are taking our gorgeous boys with us which means 2 rooms - we will have to save this one for down the track!  Would love some advice for travelling through Italy from all of you experienced travellers out there!  Cheers, Tracey xx


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